WATER4GAS is sharing information at a low price which folks can use at home to put together a small device which instills hydrogen into the gasoline/air mixture that their automobile runs on.
The process makes smaller particles out of the particles that the system uses as fuel. Therefore the system is able to use a lot more of it.
With WATER4GAS you can minimumly expect to increase your fuel economy by 12%. In reality though many are getting 30-50% improvement or significantly more. Those goblets must have been pretty "blankin'" big in some systems before. But with WATER4GAS they are made usable so you can increase your fuel economy.
It also helps to lower emissions significantly.
This package of info has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND car owners already and happy members number about 99%! So that's a good start!
Our central technology actually comprises FIVE different systems so you need to recognize when you look at the big picture that not each and every part are always used in every installation, or all in one. There are five combinations and they will be detailed with graphics one by one throughout the book.
You can compile this system, every step of it, yourself and with basic tools. This book will walk you through each step and show you step-by-step how it’s done.
If on the other hand you are not able to spare the time to gather items and assemble it yourself, you can access the Water4Gas Free Marketplace to go shopping for a fully assembled system. Access to “The Free Marketplace” will be provided to you from the e-books download page, after you purchase the e-books.
You will still require the e-book for maintenance and for attaining maximumoptimum potential out of your installation. However the free marketplace at Water4Gas is an excellent service for people with little free time in their schedule or people who are just ot technically inclined, who are just coming on board to get lower fuel consumption and to reduce toxic emissions from their car’s exhaust.
By designing a standard design, we laid it out in an easy to follow path. So take this as a path to follow, to the greatest degree possible. If for instance the same fuse that we recommend cannot be fouind in stores in your area, its not a stop, use an equivalent one. This book should be your tour guide, but not your Holy Bible. You are free to make modifications and adapt as necessary. If you wind up making improvements then please forward that to us for everyone’s advantage.
It is vital to realize that there are certain MANDATORY precautions and safety aspects, for instance as the length of hose, the type of metal used and other aspects that MUST be heeded for your safety – make sure that you read this book carefully before you decide to make changes! Without a total understanding what seems like a minor modificationto you, MAY BE CRITICAL to the safety or effectiveness of the technology. Understand first, change later!
The section “Replicating The Electrolyzer” and the other replication chapters in this book have pictures and describe the exact parts, catalog numbers and procedures to make this system.
We here at Water4Gas like to call it Practical Application Kit (PAK) because the technology is aimed to help you with practical application of this data that we provide for YOUR own vehicle and you have been given all you need in order to assemble it yourself very inexpensively and quite simply – or shop for a ready made kit in “The Free Marketplace”.